
Showing posts from January, 2018

Short biography of the most courageous women of the world - Helen Keller

Courage :  The ability to do your best in the face of odds. In this article, you will read about three women who exemplified courage in their own special way. Helen Keller’s name is synonymous with courage.  Helen lost her sight and hearing as a toddler after what is believed to have been a severe attack of scarlet fever. Living in a silent and dark world, she soon forgot the few words she had learnt. When Helen was seven, Anne Sullivan came to teach her. She first disciplined young Helen’s violent temper and then taught her to communicate in a world of sight and sound. Helen dreamt big. Overcoming her physical challenge was not her only goal. She dreamt of a better future for others. She wanted people who were blind to be able to live naturally and to be treated as human beings. Throughout her life she worked to make this dream come true. She did this by writing articles regularly about people who were blind and the special problems they faced. Realizing that peop